This is an article submitted from a contributing editor. We believe everyone should have access to a powerful apparatus such as The Slippery Truth to voice their concerns. This is their civic duty.
There’s a lot of different theories floating around about what “chemtrails” are. Are they microscopic mirrors used to reflect the sunlight so as to slow the effects of global warming? Are they water droplets used by the “Government” to control weather patterns? I’m hear to tell you those are all false flags created by a secret branch of the CIA that reports directly to the NWO aka THE JEWS!
The information we have gathered comes from years of deep cover operatives leaking secret classified documents. The things will read in this article are all true, verifiable facts. What are “chemtrails” you may be asking? Most “sheeple” believe them to simply be condensation escaping hot jet engines. WRONG! While it is ostensibly water vapor there is another, very disturbing, ingredient.
Through a successful fact finding mission where I used a homemade, experimental aerial chemical gathering device, hereafter referred to as Post Exhaust Experimental Nuclear Engine Rover or simply P.E.E.N.E.R. Using P.E.E.N.E.R. I gathered various samples of these supposed “contrails” from around the globe. When analysed the samples revealed something very disturbing. Attached to the standard H2O molecules was
another, disturbing, atom of an heretofore unknown element.
When viewed through an electron-microscope the atom appeared black in color.
What this atoms purpose is, or how it was chemically bonded to the H2O molecules is unknown. We speculate they are using it as some sort of mind controlling drug or possibly a chemical sterilizer to stop the most masculine of us to be unable to breed strong children so that when the reptosapiens arrive to herd us all into prison camps to milk us we won’t be able to resist them!
But fear not! We have top men working on an antidote and although they are in the early stages, they progress rapidly. In the meantime we will continue to monitor the use of this disturbing “black atom” and try to determine it’s “use”. Stay posted for further updates and design for the P.E.E.N.E.R device so you can help with further investigations.
photograph evidence
exhibit a
The Rothschild’s plane being fueled up at Andrew’s Air Force Base. Note: plane equipped with chemtrail dispenser near the nose of the aircraft.
Exhibit b
Here we see a “chemtrails” next to a naturally formed cloud. – Photograph taken on November 30th outside Tinker Air Force Base, OK.
exhibit c
This image was captured nearly 5 minutes later. We can clearly see the cloud beginning to
dissipate while the “chemtrail” remains virtually unchanged.
Not necessarily an Exhibit, but I don’t trust the looks of this guy.